Private international commercial law training course at the Institute for Legal Studies at Strasbourg University

On June 1st and 2nd, 2015 Jochen Bauerreis held a private international commercial law training course in order to refresh the knowledge of the students preparing the French Lawyer Professional Training Centre (Centre de formation professionnelle des avocats, CRFPA) entrance examinations at the Institute for Legal Studies (Institut d’Etudes Judiciaires) at Strasbourg University.

The training course included the solution of four practical case studies covering the following topics:

Case no. 1: international sale of goods & international arbitration

  • Brussels I Regulation (article 2 and article 5.1,b))
  • Decree no. 2011-48 of October 10, 2011 concerning the reform of arbitration
  • Effects of the Choice of Jurisdiction Clause
  • Hague Convention of 1955 concerning international sales of goods (article 3)
  • Incoterms (Delivered duty paid, Exworks)
  • International arbitration
  • Law applying to international contracts
  • Powers of the arbitrator (article 1467 and 1469 of the French Code of Civil Procedure (Code de Procédure Civile)
  • Rome I Regulation
  • The competent international court
  • Vienna Convention of 1980 on contracts for the international sale of goods (CISG) (article 1,b))

Case no. 2: International Contract of Employment

  • Brussels I bis Regulation (article 21 and article 23)
  • Clause of Mobility
  • Internal public order
  • International Contract of Employment
  • Jurisdiction competent at the international level
  • Law applying to international contracts of employment
  • Mandatory provisions
  • Rome I Regulation (article 3 and article 8)
  • Weaker parties and Choice of Jurisdiction Clause

Case no. 3: International Distribution Agreement & Breach of contractual relations

  • Breach of contractual relations
  • Brussels I Regulation (article 7.2)
  • Brussels I bis Regulation (article 4.1 and article 7.1,b)
  • Contractual liability
  • Court competent at the international level
  • International Distribution Agreement
  • Law applying to international distribution agreements
  • Liability in tort
  • Overriding mandatory rules (article 442-6, 1, 5° of the French Business Code, Code de Commerce)
  • Rome I Regulation (article 4.1,f))

Case no. 4: Defamation & Unfair Competition

  • Brussels I bis Regulation (article 7 paragraph 2)
  • Choice of Jurisdiction Clause
  • Contractual liability
  • Court competent at the international level
  • Culpa in contrahendo
  • Extra-contractual liability
  • Law applying to research and development contracts
  • Nature of liability during pre-contractual negotiations
  • Pre-contractual liability
  • Rome II Regulation (article 12 paragraph 1)
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