
Abrupt termination of a long-standing business relationship and action for damages

THE ABRUPT TERMINATION OF A LONG-STANDING BUSINESS RELATIONSHIP CONCERNS MATTERS RELATING TO A CONTRACT CJEU 14.07.2016, C-196/15, Granarolo SpA/Ambrosi Emmi France SA ___________________ By a judgment of the 14th of July 2016, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled, basing on the Brussels I Regulation, now replaced by the Brussels I Recast, that

Abrupt termination of a long-standing business relationship and action for damages Read More »

Publication Springer Verlag : “International Sale of goods and arbitration in Europe”

Jochen BAUERREIS’ conference on the topic “International sale of goods and arbitration in Europe” which he held in the course of a workshop at the China EU School of Law at the University of China in Peking on 20th June 2016 was published on 24th May 2017. The purpose of this contribution is on the

Publication Springer Verlag : “International Sale of goods and arbitration in Europe” Read More »

The reform of statutory rules relating to companies in financial difficulties

PROCEDURAL AND SOCIAL EFFECTS Ministerial order n°2014-326 of the 12th of March 2014Ministerial order n°2014-1088 of the 26th of September 2014Law “Macron” n°2015-990 of the 6th of August 2015Law n°2016-1547 of the 18th of November 2016 Prof. Dr. Jochen BauerreisPartnerInternational & German and French law Viviane EbersoldAvocat Statutory rules relating to companies in financial difficulties

The reform of statutory rules relating to companies in financial difficulties Read More »

Is the French law still attractive (after the reform of the law of obligations)?

Jochen Bauerreis gave a lecture on this current topic on the occasion of a colloquium organized by the Collège des Avocats Spécialistes en Droit de l’Arbitrage (CASDA) in partnership with the Centre Interprofessionnel de Médiation et d’Arbitrage (CIMA). The focus of this event was on: „The adaptation of contracts to the new requirements of the course

Is the French law still attractive (after the reform of the law of obligations)? Read More »

Arbitration clause vs. Clause recalling the general rule of jurisdiction

THE PREVALENCE OF THE ARBITRATION CLAUSE BEING A SPECIAL CLAUSECA Paris 25.11.2016 n° 15/17043, ch. 5-9  By a judgement dated 25 February 2016, the Paris Court of Appeal has decided that if an arbitration clause and a general clause, according to which any dispute shall be subject to the competent courts, are both in the

Arbitration clause vs. Clause recalling the general rule of jurisdiction Read More »

Symposium at the China-EU School of Law at the University of China in Peking

On 20th and 21st June 2016, Jochen BAUERREIS attended a workshop organised by the China EU School of Law which took place at the Law Faculty of the University of China in Peking. In the course of this workshop, Jochen BAUERREIS held a conference on the topic “International sale of goods and arbitration in Europe”

Symposium at the China-EU School of Law at the University of China in Peking Read More »

University of Aix-en-Provence – Workshop on the German legal framework governing non-profit organizations

Jochen BAUERREIS held a workshop at the Law Faculty of Aix-Marseille for the students of the postgraduate program DESU « Ingénierie des organismes sans but lucratif et droit de l’économie sociale et solidaire » as well as of the Master 2 « Droit comparé appliqué » regarding the German legal framework governing non-profit organizations.

University of Aix-en-Provence – Workshop on the German legal framework governing non-profit organizations Read More »

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