The reform of statutory rules relating to companies in financial difficulties


Ministerial order n°2014-326 of the 12th of March 2014

Ministerial order n°2014-1088 of the 26th of September 2014

Law “Macron” n°2015-990 of the 6th of August 2015

Law n°2016-1547 of the 18th of November 2016

Statutory rules relating to companies in financial difficulties have been reformed several times in the past few years. First of all, the Ordonnance n°2014-326 of the 12th of March 2014, which has been completed by the Ordonnance n°2014-1088 of the 26th of September 2014, focused in particular on the reform of purely procedural aspects and on the legal status of the parties involved in insolvency proceedings. Furthermore, the Law “Macron” n°2015-990 of the 6th of August 2015 changed legal provisions relating to the jurisdiction of commercial courts as well as social aspects of an insolvency proceeding. Finally, the law n°2016-1547 of the 18th of November 2016 concerning the modernisation of the justice of the XXI century adapted certain statutory provisions relating to the treatment of companies in financial difficulties.

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