University of Cyprus – International, European & Comparative Company Law

Following the invitation of Mrs. Prof. Tatiana SYNODINOU of the University of Cyprus, Jochen BAUERREIS held two conferences on international and comparative company law.

During the first conference, Jochen BAUERREIS presented the following aspects of international and European company law:

  • The basics of company mobility
  • Community sources
  • The most important theories: Incorporation theory vs. real seat theory
  • Freedom of establishment in the ECJ case-law
  • Mobility of Community companies
  • Validity of company mobility operations

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In his second lecture, Jochen BAUERREIS first gave a general overview of the following subjects of comparative company law:

  • Classification of companies
  • Setting up accompany with share capital
  • Management bodies
  • Transfer of shares
  • Taxation
  • General tendencies in company law

Then, Jochen BAUERREIS made a more detailed comparison of German and French company law. In particular, he discussed the following aspects:

  • Setting up a SAS: The most appropriate solution for France
  • Setting up a GmbH: The most appropriate solution for Germany
  • The Franco-German relations
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